S U R I G A O    D E L    S U R

Tinuy-an Falls

Experience the natural, glamorous and powerful blasts of Tinuy-an Falls as you refresh under the cascades on a bamboo raft and go on a trek along the streams.


Bislig Baywalk

Stroll and enjoy the cool breeze so with the amazing view of the sea along the coastline.

Cagwait White Beach

A peaceful place to swim, snorkel and cool off against the heat of the sun with its enticing crystal clear waters, fine powdery sand, and romantic ambiance.

Bao-Bao Falls

Experience the wonders of the peaceful pristine Bao-bao falls as you take a dip in its soothing and cold crystal clear waters which is a perfect getaway you will surely love and enjoy.


International Doll House

Appreciate the wonderful collections of the amazing dolls purchased from different countries and continents as you take a break at the restaurant and have a view on the amazing oceans from afar.

Enchanted River

Experience the surreal, mesmerizing and pristine clear waters of the Enchanted River as you enjoy the swim, ride a boat, feed myriad fishes and appreciate as well the natural beauty of nature that surrounds it.

Britania Islands

Enjoy island hopping at the pristine Britania Island with its fine white sand, surrounded by preserved trees swaying in the breeze as you savor fresh sea foods, and swim to the enticing crystal clear waters that will soothingly distress you away from the chaos city as you find peace, calm in a scenic view of the romantic nature.