Fort Pilar

Discover the historical old ruin structure way back the Spanish colony as you visit the place. 

Plaza Pershing

Well maintained park in the busy shopping district where you find time to walk around, relax, shop and watch colorful dancing fountain at night.


Bayangan Island

Perfect place for diving in a clear crystal turquoise water while swimming with a variety of fishes.

Pasonanca National Park

Experience moment at the famous tree house, Science Museum, aviary, butterfly and botanical garden for a memorable, exciting and educational trip as well.

Merloquet Falls

Experience the fresh charming beauty of Merloquet Falls as you sit in the cascade of water that continuously flows widely as if you are in a wonderland relaxing, getting refresh while enjoying a  moment in paradise.


Canelar Barter Trade Center

A place where you can purchase souvenir items at a reasonable price such as malongs, sarong, batik, yakan woven bags, shawl and a lot more usually made from Malaysia, Indonesia and our local. 

Great Santa Cruz Island

Explore the pristine gorgeous Pink Beach at Great Santa Cruz Island with the alluring blue turquoise waters, impressive mangrove lagoons surrounded by myriad marine life and colourful coral reef which is amazing for snorkelling, diving, swimming, and bird watching with its  pink fine sand that was declared by the National Geographic as one of the best beaches in the world. What makes the sand pink? Because of the crushed organ pipe corals (red corals) that washed ashore and blends well with the sand makes the pink sand. Discover as well the ancient cemetery of Badjao which is near the shoreline.