S U R I G A O    D E  L    N O R T E 

Magpupungko Beach

Experience the cool infinity pool during low tide as you climb up the big rocks and jump off to the crystal clear waters with colorful corals, marine life and rock formation underneath.

Luneta Park

A historical place that hosts annual events, gatherings, and concerts. A nice area to stroll and relax after a hectic day of sightseeing or shopping.


Lake Mainit

Appreciate the relaxing and amazing view of the lake surrounded by a variety of flora and fauna that adds beauty to the place.

Mamon Island and La Jonasa Island Hopping (Siargao Island)

An enormous Island hopping experience in a crystal clear water around the island of Mamon and La Jonasa which is great for snorkeling and swimming along with the colorful fishes and live corals.

Cloud 9 Surfing ( Siargao Island)

Enjoy surfing or chill and have fun while watching the surf scenes, the waves so with the sunset at the surfing area.

Mabua Pebble Beach

Enjoy swimming and snorkeling with the great enticing view of a crystal clear water as you let the numerous smooth pebbles give your exhausted soles and feet a massage to be more relaxed while nurturing the amazing beauty of nature.


Sohoton Lagoon (Siargao Island)

Experience a true heaven on earth trip while snorkeling, boat paddling, swimming along with the non-sting jellyfish or jump off on the mesmerizing, and clear blue-green waters in an amazing lagoon with its unique rock formations that add more beauty to nature.


Siargao Island Hopping

Make your holiday memorable at the pristine islands of Guyam, Naked and Daku as you snorkel and swim with the myriad fishes in the enticing crystal blue sea.