National Museum

Opened in 1920, the museum showcases a variety of statue collections and archaeological artifacts from Angkor Era.

Wat Ounalom

A quiet, calm and lovely sacred temple which is the center of Cambodian Buddhism.


Wat Langka

A sacred Buddhism temple to meditate and worship with its marvelous intricate architecture and impressive design.

Cambodian Living Arts

Experience the authentic traditional dance performance of the talented Cambodian as they dance gracefully, with passion, gorgeous costumes and a variety of themes which is very entertaining and a must to see.

Central Market (Phsar Thmey)

Built in 1937, filled with shops selling a variety of items such as jewelry, souvenir items, foods, clothing and a lot more.

The Killing Fields

Discover and show respect on the dark story behind the million victims of captivity and sufferings during the pol pot era that leaves a dark mark as you wander around the place.


Independence Monument

Built in 1958 to symbolize independence of Cambodia from French colony and a memorial place in honor of their hero that captures as well the attention of many tourists because of the peculiarity and uniqueness of an Angkorian style tower.

Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda

An amazing architecture full of grandeur and opulence, where the King resides, which symbolizes the kingdom and a venue for court ceremony. Attached to the palace is the silver pagoda with some priceless beautiful golden and silver Buddha.


Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum

(S-21 Prison)

Discover the history of Cambodia during the pol pot era as you explore around the museum that makes you wonder about the crazy regime, the Khmer Rouge so with the consequences.